At TridIndia, we follow a streamlined translation procedure, in order to make sure that the translated output is delivered well within the stipulated time frame. Also the process, being well-organized, assures a greater degree of accuracy and quality in even the large and bulky assignments.
This is the detailed procedure followed by our experts –
1. Client Enquiry : First and the foremost, the client makes an enquiry regarding our translation services and asks for the detailed price quote.
2. File Sharing : Using our secure FTP panel, the client shares the source documents. Due to 100% encryption of the panel, file sharing is highly secure for the clients.
3. Source Document Analysis : In this step, we thoroughly analyze the source documents and provide a feasible price quote to the client via email. The mail also consists of the turnaround time within which the project is supposed to be delivered to the client.
4. Source File Preparation : The Project coordinator along with the localization engineer overviews the source text and extracts all the portions, which require translation.
5. Resource Allocation : This step involves assigning the translation task to the most suited translator(s) who holds specialization and expertise in the type of translation, you demanded for.
6. Translation : After resource allocation, the translators get onto their work, i.e. start translating the assignment. The translators make sure that the translation is accurate, qualitative and in line with the client’s specifications.
7. Proof-Reading and Quality Check : As the translation task gets over, the translated document(s) is delivered to the quality supervisors and proof-reading experts, who perform their respective tasks (i.e. checking the translated text on quality parameters and proof-reading the same) with maximum diligence.
8. Project Delivery : In the final step, when the translation has been done and quality has been assured, the project is delivered to the client within the supposed time frame.
The entire process is methodical and centers at providing you a quality oriented translation output.